How to get Access to Premium Scripts

Currently, we are manually adding you to our PREMIUM Scripts. Therefore, you will have to send us a message with your Tradingview account name on Patreon. To do this, please follow the guide below.

How to message Trade Smart through Patreon

Once you've processed a payment, you can send us a private message from your Inbox, including your Tradingview username. Here's how:

  1. Click the Messages link in the left navigation menu

  2. Your conversations will be listed on the left panel of your inbox page. Click into the search box and type Trade Smart to find a message thread or start a new conversation (be sure to hit the enter or return key to start your submit your search!)

  3. Click on the Trade Smart to begin a conversation

  4. Type up your message with your Tradingview account name and click the Send button

Adding you to a Premium Script could take up to 24 hours, but we are adding you as soon as possible.

Last updated